Karkuma Immune Plus Improves Immunity in Type 2 Diabetics

March 07, 2023

Karkuma Immune Plus Improves Immunity in Type 2 Diabetics

In recent research by the Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Dhaka (DU), and Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM), it has been revealed that Karkuma Immune Plus has the ability to improve the immune system in Type 2 diabetic adult patients by increasing antioxidants and reducing oxidative stress at a cellular level, all without causing any adverse effects. On the other hand, liver function biomarkers (Serum SGPT and SGOT) and kidney function biomarker (Serum Creatinine) levels remained the same. It is mentionable that Karkuma Immune Plus is a bioactive component enriched formulated product of Organic Nutrition Limited, the first certified organic functional food producer in Bangladesh.

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