Food Poisoning: Top 10 Causes and Ways to Recover

June 22, 2024

Food Poisoning: Top 10 Causes and Ways to Recover

Are you suffering from more than 102°F high-temperature fever? Also, have an upset stomach, diarrhea, or nausea that is not like a normal fever? Wait! Is your illness not due to food poisoning? Don't be confused, you can identify the exact reason for your illness if it is a foodborne illness.

According to the WHO (World Health Organisation (1) , we have lost 33 million years of healthy lives due to eating unsafe food globally. Also, 30 million people (2) are affected by foodborne illness in Bangladesh per year. So what is the best way to prevent food poisoning?

Don't panic! Here you will not only get ideas about how to prevent foodborne illness but also about causes, symptoms, types of poisoning, etc. And you will get everything you need to know about food poisoning. Also, you will be able to take your next step based on your health condition. 

7 Types of Food Poisoning

You might be shocked to know that there are 250+ types of food poisoning (3) . That's why, one in six people (4) suffers from foodborne illness in America. Now I have listed a few common types of food poisoning below. Let’s check out some common food poisoning types:

Salmonella or salmonellosis

Salmonella is a common bacterial infection that causes stomach pain, bloody diarrhea, or fever. This infection starts with eating undercooked meats, eggs, poultry, etc. Poor hygiene in the kitchen is also another major reason for this bacterial poison. Symptoms of Salmonella poisoning might start within 6 hours to a few days .

E. coli (STEC)

Escherichia coli normally lives in the intestines of human and animal bodies. But, you don't need to worry about it because most of the E. coli is not harmful (5) . A few of them, like E. coli O157:H7 produce toxins that lead to bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and dehydration.


Campylobacter is a type of food poisoning, created by a combination of Salmonella and E. coli infections. Some of its primary symptoms are bloody diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. You may also experience vomiting and nausea alongside diarrhea. 


This infection is very harmful to people who have weakened immune systems. (Learn about 13 Immune System Booster Foods here) So, pregnant women, babies, and people older than 65 are at high risk of this foodborne bacterial illness.

There are a lot of symptoms, like fever, chills, muscle aches, nausea, diarrhea, headache, loss of balance, vomiting, breathing difficulty, and more. If your immune system is weak, then you have to avoid deli meats, soft cheeses, and unpasteurized milk. 


Norovirus is a highly contagious virus (6) that spreads through contaminated food or water. It causes symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, or pain. You will have symptoms within 2 days after ingesting the virus.

Clostridium Perfringens

This bacteria grows in cooked foods if they are left in unsafe places. Nausea, cramps, stomach pain, and diarrhea are common symptoms of this type of food poisoning.

Staphylococcus Aureus

The primary reason behind this type of foodborne illness is improperly stored cream-based or processed foods. Also, it is commonly found on the skin and in the nose. When it contaminates food, it can produce toxins. Then the toxins lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.

10 Reasons for Food Poisoning

Foods can become contaminated when they have germs, poisons, viruses, bacteria, funguses, chemicals, or toxins in them. Moreover, it can be caused by not cooking the food properly or not storing food below 5°C (7) . Also, maintaining hygiene in the kitchen is very important. Let's have a look at 10 causes of food poisoning.


Bacteria is the most common cause of food poisoning. Many different types of bacteria can cause food poisoning, such as Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, Listeria, etc. Among these bacteria, E. coli O157:H7 is the most widely known cause of food poisoning.


A few viruses, like norovirus, rotavirus, and hepatitis A, are all viruses that can cause food poisoning. Often viruses come from feces and other body fluids into food. Sometimes, viruses might come into foods from your kitchen's garbage.


Some parasites, like Giardia duodenalis, Trichinella spiralis, and beef tapeworm, might cause food poisoning. These parasites come from undercooked meat, fish, mollusks, and crabs. Also, raw aquatic plants and watercress are the most common sources of parasites. 


Toxins are another important thing that can lead good foods to foodborne illness. You may find this natural chemical in certain seafood, like pufferfish, plants, fungi, bacteria, algae, and animals.


Heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, and mercury can pollute air and water which is harmful to human health. Not only that, it can also contaminate food sources like fish and shellfish. These heavy metals can cause food poisoning, leading to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


We have always learned that plants are beneficial for human and animal health. Yes, this is right, but there are a few plants that can make you sick. If you eat plants like mushrooms and wild berries, you might feel sick with nausea, throwing up, diarrhea, cramps, feeling dizzy, etc.

Improper Food Handling

Food contamination can happen in 3 stages: food preparation, packaging, and serving the final dish. If a restaurant or street food vendor doesn't maintain hygiene practices, then food can be poisonous. So proper food handling is very important for healthy food.

Refrigeration Issue

Bacteria can multiply rapidly at room temperature. So if you have extra food or green vegetables, then you have to store the rest of the food in the fridge within 2 hours. So your food can be poisonous if it is not stored frozen within a certain period.

Reheating Food

While you are ready to eat your cooked frozen food, please ensure that you have reheated foods at 165°F (74°C) temp (7) . Bacteria may have grown during storage, so without reheating properly, it can be harmful to your health. 

Food Poisoning Symptoms

First of all, food poisoning disrupts your digestive system, so you may notice many symptoms of it. Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms that occur in your body during a foodborne illness. And, others are vomiting, abdominal cramps, fever, chills, headaches, etc.

These symptoms usually arise within hours or days, and they can last a few hours, days, or even weeks. Let's look at where we have included a table of food poisoning symptoms and the potential reasons for them.


Potential Causes

Symptoms Begining Time

Primary Sources


Bacteria (e.g., E. coli, Salmonella), Viruses (e.g., Rotavirus, Norovirus), Parasites (e.g., Giardia)

12 hours - 2 days

Raw or undercooked seafood, contaminated soil


Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Food intolerance/allergy

Within minutes - 4 hours

Undercooked meat, contaminated water


Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites

1 - 48 hours

Contaminated food handling, unwashed produce

Cramps in Stomach

Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Inflammation

Within minutes - 4 hours

Improperly stored food, cross-contamination

Loss of appetite

Bacteria, Viruses, Dehydration

Within hours - a few days

Bacterial or virus infections food poisoning.


Bacteria (sometimes), Viruses

Within hours - a few days

Moldy food, improper food storage


Viruses (sometimes)

Along with fever

Bacterial or virus infections, particularly those affecting the gastrointestinal system.

Muscle aches

Viruses (sometimes)

Along with fever and chills

Expired or improperly stored perishable foods


Viruses (sometimes)

Along with other symptoms

Contaminated food packaging, pesticide residues


Dehydration the body's response to illness

Within hours - a few days

Dairy products, improperly processed foods

High-Risk Age and Group

There are a few age groups that are at high risk for their health condition and various factors. Are you on this high-risk list? Get a quick briefing below about those people, and be careful if you are here.

  • Children under 5: This age group has an immature immune system, so they are on the high-risk list.

  • Pregnant women: Pregnancy makes a woman's immune system and metabolism weaker. Also, during this period, certain foodborne illnesses make her more vulnerable.

  • Older than 60: Generally, after 60, people have weak immune systems to fight against germs and other viruses. So it is another highly risky age that might be affected by food poisoning.

  • People with chronic health conditions: such as diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease can increase their risk of severe complications.

Remember that these are some general examples, but specific risk factors can vary depending on a particular health condition. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is like taking real drugs, even sometimes they are not in your hands. But you must follow these practices to reduce the risk by following several key practices.

  • Keep Everything Clean: Wash your hands, utensils, cutting board, and surface with germ cleaner. Especially, be careful about handling raw meat, poultry, seafood, or garbage.
  • Separation: Don't keep raw foods like meat, poultry, and seafood together with cooked food. Because bacteria from raw foods can easily spread to cooked food. So you can create separate places, use different cutting boards and utensils for these items to prevent food contamination.
  • Look for Well Cooked: If your meal is not cooked properly, then order a new plate that has been cooked well. Sometimes people love to take a half-boiled egg, but you have to avoid it to prevent foodborne poisoning.
  • Refrigerate Foods: You have to refrigerate all perishable vegetables within 1/2 hours. And, when it comes to cooked food, try to freeze it up within 2 hours.

How to Get Relief From Food Poisoning Pain

Ugh! What an annoying and disgusting feeling when we get sick from food poisoning. Don't worry, you can fight against germs, viruses, bacteria, or any parasites that have attacked you. Now, I want to show you different ways to get relief from stomach pain, diarrhea, or any other unhealthy condition.

  • Focus on Hydration: If you have food poisoning, then keep in mind that dehydration is your enemy. Drink more water and take rehydration solutions that can help you overcome this situation.

  • Take Rest: In this situation, your body is in a fight, take rest and spend entertaining time to recover it.

  • Take Bland Foods: Once your stomach becomes a bit normal, then you can eat non-greasy bland foods like toast, rice, crackers, etc.

  • Avoid All Bad Food: You have to avoid spicy food, caffeine, more oily food, and alcohol type foods.

  • When to Call the Doc: Have you found food poisoning symptoms that are mentioned above? If your answer is yes, then without further delay, you should get a consultant from a doctor. Because getting help from a doctor is really important to get relief from food poisoning pain.

Remember that everyone's body isn't the same, so try to understand your digestive systems. So that you can easily overcome problems that occur from food poisoning.


So, we are here at the end of this blog. We have covered in this blog all about food poisoning types, causes, symptoms, and how to get relief from it. I hope this blog has helped you find reasons and solutions for food poisoning.

Remember, when it comes to food safety, you have to ensure that your food is safe alongside delicious food. For safety purposes, it is important to maintain proper food hygiene and cook food at safe temperatures. Also, you can avoid street food and be careful about food storage guidelines.

Finally, if you or someone you know has symptoms like abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, or a high fever, then you should get help from a doctor. Don't take it lightly, and without any delay, you should seek medical attention promptly.


What are the First Signs of Food Poisoning?

The first signs of food poisoning often include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and fever. Moreover, stomach gurgling, cramping, and general abdominal discomfort are important signs. But, symptoms of food poisoning can vary depending on the type of contaminant and the individual's sensitivity.

How Long Does Food Poisoning Last?

In most food poisoning cases, symptoms usually last for a few unpleasant days (2–3), but sometimes it can last more than a week. However, it depends on how serious the symptoms are and how powerful your immune system is.

What's the Fastest Way to Flush Out Food Poisoning?

The fastest way to help flush out food poisoning is to stay hydrated by drinking more water or clear fluids. Also, taking rest, avoiding solid foods for a short period, and maintaining cleaning and hygiene are musts for recovering your body again.


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