Unhealthy Menstrual Health: Risks and Symptoms

September 19, 2023

What's an unhealthy period of Menstrual Health & Risks?

An unhealthy period refers to menstrual cycles that are irregular, excessively heavy, or  prolonged, accompanied by severe cramps, painful intercourse, abnormal discharge, or other  symptoms like fatigue, acne, and mood changes. 

Signs of an unhealthy period 

An unhealthy period can be characterized by several signs that indicate an underlying issue.  Understanding these signs is crucial for maintaining menstrual health. 

Irregular cycles 

Irregular menstrual cycles can be a sign of an unhealthy period. This means that the time  between periods may vary significantly, or periods may be missed altogether. Irregular cycles  can be caused by hormonal imbalances, stress, weight changes, PCOS, thyroid disorders,  and other underlying health conditions. It's important to seek medical attention if you  experience irregular periods. 

Irregular cycles

Heavy or prolonged bleeding 

Heavy or prolonged bleeding during periods can be a sign of an unhealthy period. This means  that bleeding may last longer than seven days, or soaking through a tampon or pad every hour  for several hours. Heavy or prolonged bleeding can be caused by hormonal imbalances,  fibroids, endometriosis, or other underlying health conditions. Medical attention is necessary  if you experience heavy or prolonged bleeding. 

Severe cramps 

Severe cramps during periods can be a sign of an unhealthy period. This means that cramps  are severe enough to interfere with daily activities and may not be relieved with over-the counter pain medication. Severe cramps can be caused by hormonal imbalances,  endometriosis, or other underlying health conditions. Seeking medical attention is important if  you experience severe cramps during periods. 

Severe cramps

Painful intercourse 

Painful intercourse is also a sign of an unhealthy period. This means that intercourse is painful  and may cause discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic region. Painful intercourse  can be caused by conditions such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or vaginal  infections. Medical attention is necessary if you experience painful intercourse.

Abnormal discharge 

Abnormal discharge during periods can be a sign of an unhealthy period. This means that the  discharge is different from the usual menstrual flow, such as being thicker, darker, or having  a foul odor. Abnormal discharge can be caused by infections or other underlying health  conditions. Seeking medical attention is important if you experience abnormal discharge  during periods. 

Other symptoms 

Other symptoms of an unhealthy period include fatigue, acne, mood changes, and other  physical or emotional symptoms. These symptoms can be caused by hormonal imbalances  or underlying health conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Medical attention  is necessary if you experience these symptoms during your menstrual cycle. 

Risks of untreated menstrual problems 

Untreated menstrual problems can have serious consequences on a person's health and  wellbeing. It is important to recognize and seek medical attention for any menstrual problems  in order to prevent complications and improve overall health. Let you know what types of  problem one can face because of untreated menstrual issues. 


Anemia is one of the major risks associated with untreated menstrual problems. It can occur  when a person experiences heavy or prolonged bleeding during their menstrual cycle, causing  a lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the body. Anemia can lead to fatigue, weakness,  shortness of breath, and other complications, making it important to seek medical attention for  menstrual problems. 




Untreated menstrual problems can lead to infertility. Conditions like polycystic ovary  syndrome, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease can damage the reproductive  system, making it difficult to conceive. It's important to address menstrual problems early on  to prevent long-term reproductive complications. 

Pelvic infections 

Untreated menstrual problems can lead to pelvic infections, including endometriosis and pelvic  inflammatory disease (PID). These conditions can cause chronic pain, discomfort during sex,  and infertility. 

Mental health issues 

Untreated menstrual problems can also lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and  depression due to the physical and emotional stress of dealing with chronic pain, heavy  bleeding, and other symptoms. It's important to seek medical help if you experience any  concerning symptoms during your menstrual cycle.

Increased risk of some cancers 

Untreated menstrual problems can lead to an increased risk of some types of cancers, such  as endometrial and ovarian cancer. Regular menstrual health checkups and timely treatment  of any abnormalities can help reduce the risk of these cancers. 


What is considered an abnormal period? 

An abnormal period is considered when the menstrual cycle is shorter or longer than the  normal range of 21 to 35 days, when there is very light or very heavy bleeding, when there is  spotting between periods, or when there is severe pain and discomfort during menstruation. 

When should I worry about my period? 

You should worry about your period if you experience any of the following: irregular cycles,  extremely heavy or prolonged bleeding, severe cramps, painful intercourse, abnormal  discharge, or other symptoms like fatigue, acne, mood changes, etc. If you have concerns  about your menstrual health, it's always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider. 

What type of period is healthy? 

A healthy period typically involves regular cycles, moderate bleeding that lasts 3-7 days, and  mild to moderate cramping that can be managed with over-the-counter pain relief. If you  experience any concerning symptoms or changes to your menstrual cycle, it is important to  talk to a healthcare provider.


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