Immune System: Description, Function, & Facts

May 29, 2023 1 Comment

Immune system | Description, Function, & Facts

The immune system is a complex network of cells, organs, and proteins in the human body. This system fights against any type of infection. When the immune system is weaker, the human body experiences different types of diseases and disorders. 

How the immune system protects

How the immune system protects

The main role of the immune system is to save the human body and work as a protector against diseases caused by microorganisms. The interconnected network consists of proteins, cells, and organs that work together against different types of germs, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Even so, this network works against cancer cells.

There are two types of immune systems: innate and adaptive 

This immunity system is named "innate" because it is inherited. By birth, this system is active in the human body. The innate immune system works quickly as a defender. Once germs enter the body, they respond in no time. This immune system responds to germs as well as foreign substances. Once any bacteria enter the body through the skin, they are detected and destroyed within a few hours. 

The adaptive immune system

The adaptive immune system does not work as fast as the innate immune system. Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system specifies the germ and defeats it more accurately. This immune system is slower than the innate system. The outstanding advantages of that immune system are that it can keep a record of the germ, and the second time, it can respond too fast.

The sign of inflammation 

Inflammation in the body causes pain and swelling. The immune system does exactly what the body deserves to be saved from inflammation. It releases chemicals, heals injuries, and also fights infections. A strong immune system saves one from diseases related to inflammatory disease. 

The most typical inflammatory disease is:

  • Obesity
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Heart disease
  • diabetes
  • Celiac disease
  • So on 
The sign of inflammation

The key point of the immune system

The white blood cell called a leukocyte is the keystone of the immune system. These cells fight and defend against foreign materials and infections in the body. White blood cells are an integral part of the lymphatic system. The leukocytes are of two types: phagocytes and lymphocytes

  • Phagocytes 

By breaking down the intruders, these cells destroy them.

  • Lymphocytes 

These cells kill the pathogens by creating antibodies. 

How the immune system takes the steps

When a body gets the sense of a foreign substance called an "antigen," the immune system recognizes it fast. The antigen can be bacteria, viruses, chemicals, or other substances. Lymphocytes produce antibodies to kill the invaders. That is the way the immune system develops. 

The Types of Disordered Immune Systems 

There are numerous reasons why the immune system malfunctions and fails to function properly. There are mainly three types of disorders of the immune system. 


Immunodeficiency occurs when most of the immune system's components fail to function properly. Obesity, malnutrition, and HIV can be the causes of these disorders. 


This disorder happens when the immune system can not differentiate between healthy and sick cells. This type of disorder happens in different parts of the body. The following diseases are responsible for autoimmunity: rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, and Graves’ disease. 


Hypersensitivity is known as atopy or allergy. It also happens because of an immune disorder. Different types of diseases, such as atopic eczema, asthma, and food allergies, are responsible for this immune system disorder. 

Frequently asked questions

How can one improve their immune system?

Keeping an immune system is quite important. One should follow many steps to keep the immunity system fit such as

  1. Emphasizing sufficient nutrients in foods
  2. Take antioxidant such as vitamins C and E,  Curcumin, etc.
  3. Avoiding extra salt, sugar, and fats 
  4. Taking regular exercise 
  5. enjoying sound sleep
  6. Avoiding smoke 
  7. maintaining enough body weight. 

Why is immunity important?

Strong immunity is important for strong physical fitness. The immunity system defends the body from viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens that carry the source of diseases. 

The immune system is a complicated system of the human body used as a protector. Once the body encounters foreign substances, this system defends and destroys the pathogens. Two types of immune systems are available: adaptive and innate. A sufficient diet and exercise keep the immune system strong. A strong immune system reduces the likelihood of disease in the human body.

Read also:  Organic Food And Health Benefits


1 Response

Md Sbu Hanif
Md Sbu Hanif

August 28, 2023

Karkuma Immune + tree pice

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