What Happens if Your Liver Isn't Working Properly?

May 31, 2023 1 Comment

What happens if your liver isn't working properly?

When your liver does not function properly, you will experience lots of symptoms, such as nausea, loss of appetite, and itchy skin . Besides, Tarry-looking stools, vomiting blood, and dark, fluid-filled abdomens and legs are the common signs. There are also more severe conditions when the liver does not work properly. Liver failure leads to serious life threatening conditions. It also causes mental confusion, disorientation, bleeding disorder and much more. 

Functions of the liver

Functions of the liver

The liver is a cone-shaped part of the human body located on the top of the stomach and under the diaphragm. It is an essential component of the human body. The dark reddish-brown organ performs numerous functions that keep the rest of the human body running. What kinds of functions does the liver perform:  

  • Build a strong immune system to combat illness.
  • Cleanse the bloodstream of bacteria.
  • regulate amino acids in the blood
  • Turn extra glucose into glycogen.
  • Maintain proper glucose levels in the body.
  • Manage blood clotting.
  • Removing toxins from the body's systems
  • Removing excess bilirubin 

The most notable liver disease symptoms

When the liver does not function properly, it may think that you are suffering from liver disease. If you want to be sure about liver diseases, be sure about the following issues:


People suffering from life-threatening diseases frequently experience exhaustion and uneasiness.


When the liver does not produce enough bilirubin, you may suffer from liver jaundice. Yellowish eyes and skin are signs of that disease. 

Easy Bruising

The liver produces blood clotting proteins. When the liver fails to function properly, bleeding can occur due to a lack of blood clotting proteins.


Albumin is an essential component of blood produced by the liver. When the liver does not produce and supply enough albumin, one's legs can swell. 


Toxins travel to the brain from the blood when the liver does not function properly. It affects the function of the brain and creates disorientation and confusion.

Change the color of the stool

Bile production is significantly reduced due to liver dysfunction. Consequently, normal stools change color and turn clay-colored. 

Infected digestive system

Malfunction of the liver also has an impact on the digestive system. A liver malfunction causes toxins and leads to vomiting and nausea. 

Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is common because of liver malfunction, which is related to the digestive system. 

Causes of liver pain

Causes of liver pain

When the liver isn't working properly, one of the most common symptoms is liver pain.

There could be several causes of liver pain.


Hepatitis is one of the serious inflammations of the liver caused by viruses. Hepatitis means that the function of the liver is seriously damaged and inflamed. Hepatitis can be caused by incorrect medication, toxins, and excessive alcohol consumption.


Liver cirrhosis is another serious liver disease. Liver cirrhosis makes scars in the liver tissues and damages them permanently. Normal blood flow is blocked because of the scar. Liver cirrhosis can lead to death. 

Liver cancer

This is one type of cancer that started with liver pain. It also leads to one death. A lot of symptoms of liver cancer are available, such as loss of appetite, upper abdominal pain, weight loss, and nausea. There are different types of liver cancer.

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma  
  • Angiosarcoma   
  • Bile duct cancer
  • Hepatoblastoma   

Which diagnosis should be made when the liver does not work properly?


If you experience liver pain or any of the symptoms listed above, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible to address your health concerns and begin treatment. The diagnosis is what you should do. 

Imaging tests (MRI, CT scan, and ultrasound) will show the 

How much of the liver has been damaged? 

  • Blood tests: You can take a group of blood tests to diagnose liver diseases. The common blood test for the liver problem are: 
  • Platelet count 
  • Glucose 
  • Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT):
  • ALP (alkaline phosphatase): 
  • LD or LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase):
  • Examine a tissue sample.

Tests on liver tissue samples can aid in the diagnosis of specific liver diseases. A liver biopsy requires inserting a long needle through the skin and taking tissue from the liver for lab testing.

The symptoms that arise in the body will let one know that the liver does not work properly. Among the mentionable symptoms are itchy skin, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting blood, and much more. Symptoms alone are not sufficient. Before taking medication, one must have a physician's consultation, and a diagnosis according to the doctor's suggestion to be sure.

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1 Response

Lavlu islam
Lavlu islam

August 28, 2023

Akta amre lagbe, gastric problem.kivabe order korbo

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