5 Essential Winter Nutrition Tips You Must Follow

January 22, 2025

5 Essential Winter Nutrition Tips You Must Follow

Days have come where sunlight will be limited and nights will be longer. Yes, Winter has come so as the necessity of extra care for your health.

During winter, if you want to keep yourself fit and fiddle, you must follow these 7 essential winter nutrition tips that we’ll be showing here in this blog post. 

Don’t worry; after a long query of research and analysis, our team has come up with this context to help you get the best nutrition through the entire Winter season.

Let’s check them out.


5 Essential Winter Nutrition Tips for a Balanced Diet

Here are 7 nutrition tips to follow this winter and keep yourself healthy both mentally and physically. 

1. Boost Your Vitamin C & D Level

During Winter, the days become shorter and nights become longer. For this reason, the daylight exposure gets limited. And we know the sunlight is rich in vitamin D. 

According to National Library of Medicine report, around 66% to 94% of various population groups suffer from vitamin D deficiency in the winter season. [ 1 ]

Orange Egg and Mushroom

And vitamin D lacking can lead to a weak immune system, bone health issues, and mood disorders. So, to fill this gap, keep oily fish (e.g. salmon), mushrooms, and eggs in your food habit. [ 2 ]

Also, your immune system loves vitamin C and zinc to fight winter colds. And research shows vitamin C levels tend to drop during the winter, leading to an increasing risk of infections and other health issues. [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

Colorful fruits and vegetables are good for immune health. For example, oranges, broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc. contain essential nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to strengthen your immune system. 

However, Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, kiwis, cauliflowers, and broccoli are fantastic sources of vitamin C. For zinc, you can opt for nuts, seeds, or lean meats. [ 5 ]


2. Keep Yourself Enough Hydrated

During winter we usually don’t feel as thirsty as we do in Summer. And so we tend to drink less water in Winter. And this can lead to dehydration. [ 6 ]

Keep Yourself Enough Hydrated

Usually, dehydration in winter often stems from dry indoor air and unnoticed sweat loss, so prioritize fluids even when indoors​. [8]

Dehydration can contribute to fatigue, headaches, and even an increased risk of kidney stones. Research shows that 7,758 children under five years old experienced rotavirus diarrhea due to dehydration. [ 7 ]

So, drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, even if you are not thirsty. Herbal teas and water-rich foods like oranges or cucumbers and soups can also help keep you hydrated when you don’t want to sip water directly.

3. Eat Root Veggies & Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber-rich food is your gut’s best friend during winter. Yes, to keep your immune system fit and fine, you should eat foods enriched in fiber and root veggies. 

Eat Root Veggies & Fiber-Rich Foods

This winter, make the root veggies your favourite and daily food habit. Beets, carrots, and sweet potatoes are rich in protein fiber and can combat inflammation, improving gut health. [ 9 ] [ 10 ]

Around 20% of people in Winter season get affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the winter blues. [ 11 ] So, it’s important to keep yourself healthy and protected against winter diseases.

Along with fiber-rich foods, keep food variation, like leafy green vegetables and fruits, to maintain your physical and mental health.

Apart from these, nuts, seeds, and walnuts can be eaten during this winter season twice a week, as nuts are rich in immune-boosting nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. 

Also, dark chocolates from cacao tree seeds can be kept in the diet, but in a moderate amount as these are nutrient-dense with antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and EGCG catechin. [ 12 ]

4. Keep Yourself Warm with Exercise

During winter, we feel like being static, for which our immune system gets weakened. So, we need to keep moving to keep ourselves active and warm at the same time.

Keep Yourself Warm with Exercise

For this, you can start with a fresh morning walk or jogging. However, staying in shape can still be done through various indoor activities. 

Daily 10 minutes of yoga or meditation can also work. This will not only help improve your physical health but also give you mental peace and a soothing mind. [ 13 ]

However, don’t forget to wear suitable winter clothes and keep yourself hydrated during the physical activities.

5. Practice Hygiene 

Finally, maintaining hygiene practices is important to prevent harmful bacteria and germs affecting the immune system. For this, there is no alternative to keeping clean and fresh. 

Practice Hygiene

Avoid frequently touching your face. Wash your hands before eating and especially after coming from public places or touching surfaces. 

Don’t skip bathing in winter. We know it seems the toughest task during winter, but bathing regularly is essential. It’s because our body does not stop sweating and secreting sebum. [ 14 ]

So, take a warm shower regularly if needed to avoid infection control over the body and maintain body temperature as well. 

Final Words

The main problem of the Winter season is a lack of sunlight. And which, in the end, results in germs and bacteria buildup easily. So, to maintain our overall health, we must follow these 5 essential winter nutrition tips mentioned above. 

Besides, to keep the immune system healthy , you can keep almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds in your diet, as these can also help fight infection. 

Winter can even slow down your metabolism, so by implementing these tips, you’re not just avoiding seasonal sniffles but setting the stage for a vibrant, healthy winter. 


What nutrients are best for winter?

Root vegetables, colorful fruits, citrus fruits, and vitamin D are the most important nutrition to keep yourself healthy and fit in Winter. For vitamin C and Zinc, eat citrus fruits and nuts; for omega-3 fatty acids, eggs, salmon fish can keep skin healthy and reduce inflammation. 

How to stay healthy in the winter?

To stay healthy in winter, stay hydrated with water and liquids, eat seasonal fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins like sweet potatoes and carrots, beans, and exercise to boost immunity and mood. However, Karkuma Immune Plus can help improve the immune system to fight against seasonal flu and germs and keep the liver healthy.

What vitamin helps keep you warm?

Vitamin D and C can help keep you warm in Winter avoiding the Winter blues. For this, eating eggs, mushrooms, and salmon fish can help mitigate the vitamin D lackings in the Winter season. 

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  1. https://nutritionaustralia.org/division/nsw/5-key-nutrients-to-beat-cold-weather-blues/
  2. https://nutritionaustralia.org/division/nsw/5-key-nutrients-to-beat-cold-weather-blues/
  3. https://www.massgeneral.org/news/article/the-importance-of-winter-hydration
  4. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/why-it-is-important-to-have-vitamin-c-rich-foods-in-winter/photostory/71773501.cms?picid=71773513
  5. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/5-foods-for-winter-weather
  6. https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/home/beware-of-dehydration-1626362132
  7. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0273862
  8. https://www.massgeneral.org/news/article/the-importance-of-winter-hydration
  9. https://www.stamfordhealth.org/healthflash-blog/nutrition/healthy-winter-foods/
  10. https://www.massgeneral.org/news/article/the-importance-of-winter-hydration  
  11. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2000/0301/p1531.html
  12. https://www.prima-care.com/blog/winter-wellness-how-to-boost-your-immune-system-stay-healthy  
  13. https://mybetterhealth.care/8-essential-winter-seasonal-health-tips-for-staying-healthy/
  14. https://www.dettolarabia.com/common-infections/germs-and-illness-prevention/health-and-hygiene-tips-for-winter/

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